Contact us

If you have a general question on IATAN Products & Services, first search our online knowledge database full of FAQs.

For other questions, please log an enquiry with the form below and one of our customer service representatives will contact you.

To mail in correspondence please send to the address below:

703 Waterford Way
Suite 600
Miami, FL 33126

Our Customer Service Representatives can be reached at: 
M-F 10:30 AM to 4 PM EST

IATA Customer Portal: Open a case

Follow the instructions below to submit your questions about IATAN related matters such as
Personnel registration
Annual service fees
IATA/IATAN ID Card and ID Card Benefits

Step 1: Login or register on the IATA Customer Portal
Step 2: Click on “Contact Us” under Support
Step 3: Select topic “Accreditation IATAN (US)” and click on “Create a Case”
Step 4: Complete the query form
Step 5: Click on “Create Case & Add Attachment”

Note: once the query case is created, you will receive an email confirmation with the case number.
Our Customer Service team shall provide a response within 1-2 business day.
You may also check the status of the query case on the IATA Customer Portal.
